Natural Cancer Cures
Exclusive Summary About Natural Cancer Cures by S. Wagner and S. Sutton
The first question people ask is, "What causes cancer?" Unfortunately, there is no easy answer to that question because there are over 200 different kinds of cancers that affect the human body. True, we usually only hear about the more common ones like breast cancer, lung cancer, throat cancer and so on.
Cancer, like most diseases is what is called multifunctional. Modern medicine is discovering new causes for various types of cancer all the time. There are other factors involved when it comes to understanding why a person gets cancer.
Most cancers are more common as we get older. Yet, there are children with cancer, so that is not the only factor. Yes, some viruses can cause cancer such as cervical cancer.
One of the many ways to battle cancer is with a heavy duty vitamin regiment, including massive doses of vitamin C.
Natural Cancer Cures That Really Work
The cancer treatments that do exist, such as chemotherapy and radiation are very difficult on the cancer patient and are often more physically painful than the cancer itself.
More and more, people are searching for alternatives to these harsh medical treatments and are turning to natural cancer cures in the hopes of sending their cancer in to remission. Read on to learn about some of today's most promising natural remedies for cancer.
Diet Modification Therapy
The enemy is fats, salt and refined sugars. Today's processed foods contain high levels of each. The solution is to completely eliminate all unhealthy foods from your diet in favor of natural raw foods.
Oxygen Therapy
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