May 27, 2009

Best Quit Smoking Ways

Best Quit Smoking Ways

Exclusive Summary About Quit Smoking by Aaron Snider and Carol Stack

The Patch then releases nicotine through your skin into your body. With most nicotine gum, you chew the gum a few times and store it between the lip/cheek and gum. The nicotine is then released through your gums and cheek. This is a great way to quit smoking because you satisfy the chemical and some of the mental dependency of smoking.

Note: If you are using the Gum or the Patch, DO NOT SMOKE. Successful quitters that used hypnotherapy report little or no negative side effects to quitting smoking.

Quitting smoking naturally or herbal replacement therapy.

Laser treatment therapy works similar to acupressure. By targeting certain parts of the body the laser relieves the need to smoke. This coupled with smoking cessation studies help you quit.

To Quit Smoking You Must be Determined to Succeed

One of the difficulties in trying to quit smoking is that smokers become physically dependant on nicotine. So if you really want to quit smoking, know in your heart that this time it is for good. When you are trying to quit smoking, any method, whether nicotine patches, gum, hypnosis, etc., are only as productive as your willpower allows them to be. Thus, for you the decision to quit smoking must be accompanied by a will that is just as strong, if not stronger, than your current will to quit smoking.

The good news is that there are many aids to help you quit smoking. No matter what method or aid you use to help you quit smoking, there is nothing that will help more than your determination to quit. Without that determination people fail.

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