May 05, 2009

Insomnia - Don't Suffer in Silence

Insomnia - Don't Suffer in Silence

Exclusive Summary About Insomnia by Phil Marson and Danna Schneider

Insomnia, which is the inability to sleep satisfactorily or to have any sleep at all, is one of the most common sleep disorders. It is characterized by restlessness, sleep interruptions, decreased sleeping time than the usual, or sometimes complete wakefulness.

So what exactly are the culprits that make insomnia one menacing sleeping problem?

More particularly when it is from internalized anxiety or anger, emotional problems can easily trigger this sleep disorder.

Drinking too much coffee, colas or other "energy-upper drinks" is known to cause insomnia. Extreme temperatures can disrupt one's sleeping patterns.

Health disorders such as diabetes, heart failure, hyperthyroidism, ulcers, and Parkinson's disease can also induce insomnia. Frequent urination, heartburn, and chronic pain from leg cramps, tooth ache and arthritis can also cause insomnia.

Snoring with prolonged pauses in breathing while at sleep, also known as sleep apnea can also cause insomnia. Periodic arm and leg movements during sleep causing the muscles to twitch excessively is one underlying cause of this sleep disorder.

Consuming large meals when one is just about to sleep can also make one experience this sleeping disorder.

Who are Prone to Insomnia?

a. Women are said to be more at risk in acquiring insomnia because of the following reasons:

- Pre-menstrual syndrome with symptoms of irritability, depression and anxiety, and bloating due to menstruation disturbs a woman's sleeping pattern.

- Menopause can also change a woman's sleeping pattern.

- Pregnancy makes sleeplessness one common thing to happen.

b. Elderly people are also prone to getting insomnia because ageing alters one's sleeping patterns.

c. Depressed people have lighter slumbers compared to those who don't feel this psychological condition.

d. Students or younger ones who are conscious with their grades (because of cramming) can easily become insomniacs too.

Insomnia Relief - How You Can Cure It Without a Prescription

Insomnia - Natural Cures

Lack of sleep can have a devastating impact on one's life. There are actually natural supplements that cure insomnia very effectively. Herbal Remedies for Insomnia - What's In Them That Makes Them Work So Efficiently?

Keep in mind, the best natural insomnia remedies will actually combine several herbs. The categories of herbs and natural compounds used in effective sleep remedies typically will be the following:

1.) Hypnotics

2.) Nerve or Nervine Relaxants

3.) Antispasmodics (Essentially Natural Muscle Relaxers)

4.) Nerve or Nervine Tonics

The effective combination of these types of herbs has ultimately created effective and safe alternatives to sleep medications such as Ambien and Lunesta, with no known side effects, as with their prescription counterparts.

Why Natural Insomnia Cures are Safer

Side effects and warnings for prescription and over the counter or OTC sleep aids have a wide range - from fatal overdose, especially when combined with alcohol or other drugs, impaired coordination and memory, driving skills, and thinking, interference with breathing, dependency, tolerance (taking larger and larger doses to maintain effects), possible kidney liver and lung damage, and confusion or hallucinations.

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