January 06, 2010

Natural Cure for Insomnia

natural cure for insomnia

Exclusive summary about Natural Cure for Insomnia by Soli Kator

Brainwave sleep music is the best natural cure for insomnia in my opinion because it works instantly, surely, and is the easiest remedy to apply. It is recommended for the cure of arthritis, asthma, cancer, digestive problem, colds, flu, bronchitis, insomnia, ulcers, heart disorders and yeast infections.

Insomnia is classified into three categories: transient, intermittent and chronic, but whatever type and severity yours is, know for certain that there is a permanent and natural cure for insomnia. Indian Spikenard (Nardostachys jatamansi) known popularly as the jatamansi in India, this is another herb prescribed to cure insomnia and mood swings. 68 In the case of menopause, this herb is usually prescribed to cure insomnia and mood swings. Aromatherapy tips for insomnia if you are spending some sleepless nights then get massages instead of drugs to cure your insomnia.

Home Cures for Insomnia - Curing Insomnia from Home

Exclusive summary about Home Cures for Insomnia by Lewis Waller

Insomnia sufferers go through hell. We try many home cures for insomnia, hypnosis techniques, sleeping pills - both over the counter and prescription, biofeedback with led lights, binaural beat audio CDs, and all the rest. Pills only work for a number of weeks and then lose their power... meanwhile we become addicted to these poisons which have harmful side effects.

Hypnosis is quite expensive, only works moderately well for some people and sequential sessions can be long running. Binaural beat audio is only partially effective for most people and headphones must be used. The brainwave activity during sleep can be simply and safely induced by certain tones and pulses set at special frequencies which can induce certain waveform activities which allow restful sleep.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

These methods can all work well. When you think about it, everything starts or ends with good sleep.